There are several situations in which color difference problems occur on color coated plates

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Due to the uneven mixing of paint or the large difference in viscosity of paint in different buckets, the paint extends from the feed port side to the return port in the tray, and there is a color difference zone. In addition to change the color of the paint, the color contrast is larger, due to cleaning is not clean, pollution caused by color difference以上翻译结果来自有道神经网络翻译(YNMT)· 通用场景

Under what circumstances will the color difference problem occur, as follows:

1 Paint. Due to the uneven mixing of paint or the large difference in viscosity of paint in different buckets, the paint extends from the feed port side to the return port in the tray, and there is a color difference zone. In addition to change the color of the paint, the color contrast is larger, due to cleaning is not clean, pollution caused by color difference.

2 Substrate. The different size of zinc flowers on the substrate will form many small pits of different sizes at the grain boundary, which will affect the color difference of the plate surface, especially for the light color. Good selection of zinc-free flowers or small zinc flowers substrate.

3 coating treatment. Improper coating process, resulting in thick coating film, insufficient temperature of the plate after drying, or damage to the roller body, yellow patches formed after drying, resulting in color color difference, especially the light color is obvious.

4 Film thickness. The stability of film thickness has great influence on the color difference of color coated plate. The film thickness is mainly adjusted by: coating viscosity, adjusting the gap between the adhesive roll and the coating roll, changing the roller speed of the coating roll and the adhesive roll, adjusting the pressure between the coating roll and the strip support roll.

5 PMT. PMT indicates the peak temperature that the strip needs to reach when the coating is cured well. The stability of PMT has great influence on the color difference of the color coated plate. PMT adjustment is mainly through: strip specification changes will cause PMT changes, high or low local temperature will affect PMT, uneven substrate thickness PMT changes, seasonal changes in the furnace temperature changes and PMT changes.

6 Cooling water. Atomizing cooling, cooling water is not replaced in time, when the volatile organic solvent in the furnace gas is cooled down, with the cooling water is brought to the board, after the extrusion roll extrusion, causing color difference on the board. In the production, the cooling water should be properly maintained in the overflow, so that the condensed volatiles can be removed in time to avoid causing color difference on the board.

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